Event Info
08:00-09:00 Check-in NOTE: We do not admit any players after Check-in closes
09:20-09:45 Game breif
10:00-15:30 Game
15:40-16:00 Debreif
You need to do this pre-event MANDATORY
Register to the event. Click here
Read through our rules (We will ask you about the rules upon check-in): Read here
Bring a red armband and a yellow armband (regardless of whether you have been placed in a team)
Bring a white gauze pad/wrap, minimum size 8x400cm
Bring a hit cloth/marker with you
Download the app Telegram (required for communication within the team and taking part in missions)
Bring something to store water in
Bring food & snacks (no break for lunch, we eat in the field during games and your peers can't afford you disappearing for an hour)
Make sure all your equipment is working
IMPORTANT: Arrive on time, we will NOT let players in after 09:00 when check-in closes
Medics are allowed, and any player can heal another player.
If you get hit the first time after leaving respawn, you have the opportunity to be healed.
This is done by having a friend wrap your entire healthcare bandage (8x400cm) around your arm.
If you get hit a second time (when you have your medical bandage wrapped & tied around your arm) you can no longer be healed and must return to re-spawn, after which you can be healed again.
You will be hit - shout hit clearly and distinctly. Whoever shot you should know you were hit!
Put on a dathrag/hit cloth.
You call for a paramedic/medic
A comrade comes up and takes your healthcare bandage from you.
Take off the deathrag, you are now a target again (even while your comrade is wrapping the bandage)
Once the entire bandage is wrapped around your arm and secured with a knot, you're back in the fray
No more than 20cm of bandage may hang loose.
Medic bandages must be at least 8x400cm, without these you cannot be healed. Bring your own or buy a personal one from us for SEK 20
Green dashed area: Safezone, safety glasses still to be worn but no firing of weapons.
Yellow square with text RS: Yellow main respawn
Red square with text RS:: Red main respawn
Orange/yellow square with black number: Domination point (DP)
Orange number: UPK point
White line: Height curve
Orange area between G-E 4-5: Do not tread!
Map is assigned at Check-in (please bring your own plastic pocket)
Main mission
Domination point (DP)
On the map there are 4 DP marked, these are strategically important points to take control of the area. At these points there is a box. Take over the point by pressing the button with your team color, to give your team points and control of the area. 1 minute = 1 point
The points will close at specified times, whoever controls the point at shutdown will be awarded 100 extra points + the location will become a permanent respawn point for your team.
Closing Times
DP 1 - 11:30
DP 2 - 13:00
DP 3 - 14:00
DP 4 - 15:30
Side missions
During the game, missions will be assigned from game management.
Each mission is worth 300p upon successful completion (the same as holding a point for 5h)
Missions can be completed in areas not covered by the game map.
The missions affect the gameplay more than just points when completed. Successful missions can give the own team strategic advantages and more weapon power further into the game.
The tasks will be distributed via the "Telegram" app, you will receive a channel at check-in.
Main respawn: Directly - get to the location, when you reach it you can return to the battle directly. Domination point closed by your team: Every 15 minutes, you can respawn at this location every time the clock shows XX:00, XX:15, XX:30, XX45. Mobile respawn: Every 15 minutes. NOTE: Not allowed to respawn if there are enemies 60m or closer (can you shoot them from respawn then you are not allowed to respawn)
Mobile respawn
Each team will be assigned a mobile respawn to set up. Mobile respawn can only be set up on a given order via telegram.
Orders are accepted
Get to the location
Notify via telegram that mobile respawn is on UPK:X and ready to build
You get approval from game management
You build mobile respawn
You announce that respawn built via telegram
Mobile respawn can now be used for everyone on your team
For approved construction of mobile respawn, the team is awarded 15p Points for building mobile respawn are awarded only the first time it is set up and if it is set up again after being eliminated. Thus, the team does not get new points if the respawn only changes places without being eliminated by the opponent, but it is allowed to change places on mobile respawn without the opponent succeeding in eliminating it.
Elimination of mobile respawn
Mobile respawn can be eliminated by opponents. To eliminate the opponent's mobile respawn, do the following.
Disable the lamp buck
Announce via telegram that opponent's mobile respawn is eliminated.
The message must contain the following: Location (UPK) and image of deactivated lamp. Teams that eliminate opponents' mobile respawns are awarded 100p If your team's mobile respawn has been eliminated, it needs to be picked up and taken to its own main respawn before it can be taken out again and used again. This can be done by knocked out players (with hitting cloth).
Radio frequencies
• Kanal 1 – 446,00625 MHz.
• Kanal 2 – 446,01875 MHz.
• Kanal 3 – 446,03125 MHz.
• Kanal 4 – 446,04375 MHz.
• Kanal 5 – 446,05625 MHz.
• Kanal 6 – 446,06875 MHz.
• Kanal 7 – 446,08125 MHz.
• Kanal 8 – 446,09375 MHz.
• Jakt 1 – 155.425
• Jakt 2 – 155.475
• Jakt 3 – 155.500
• Kanal 9 – 446,10625 MHz.
• Kanal 10 – 446,11875 MHz.
• Kanal 11 – 446,13125 MHz.
• Kanal 12 – 446,14375 MHz.
• Kanal 13 – 446,15625 MHz.
• Kanal 14 – 446,16875 MHz.
• Kanal 15 – 446,18125 MHz.
• Jakt 4 – 155.525
• Jakt 5 – 156.000
• Jakt 6 – 155.400
• Jakt 7 – 155.450
Tel. 0708780439
• Kanal 16 – 446,19375