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Nordic Milsim | SE | Rules | Milsim





Airsoft games are based on the players following the common regulations on which the games are based. The rules are designed to create a balance between everything that the games contain from weapon classes to equipment. Furthermore, the rules are important for airsoft games to be conducted in a safe way while everyone can have a fantastic experience!


Below is Nordic Milsim's rulebook divided into sections.

The rulebook can also be downloaded as a PDF.

General Rules

General Rules

Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Nordic Milsim is not responsible for damage to persons and property for which the organizer has not directly accepted responsibility. Participants in events arranged by Nordic Milsim are responsible for their own actions and for protecting themselves throughout the event.


2: All Nordic Milsim events only allow BIO BB´s.


3: Safety glasses must be of at least classification EN 167:1SA (high energy impact).

 3:1 Mesh type protective glasses are used at your own risk and players who use this type of eye protection equipment take their own responsibility for their own safety.


4: Safety glasses must never be removed in the playing area.


5: Nordic Milsim encourages players to use other protective equipment such as face, teeth and hearing protection. This is not a requirement, however this follows in accordance with point 1 (the player's own responsibility to protect himself).


6: It is forbidden to burn directly on the ground, use barrel/grill/fire dish.

 6:1 It is not permitted to cut down trees or otherwise damage the land used. (Possibly firewood needs to be brought in advance).


7: At the safety zone/safe zone (IF Deployed; See exception |Safety distance 4:1: Flying crooning | ) 

 7:1 No magazines may be placed in any weapon, this applies to all weapons.

 7:2 No bullets may be in the barrel of the weapon.

 7:3 No weapons may be dry fired.

 7:4 Exceptions to these rules apply at the chronograph station, however only after approval by the organizer, or at a specifically specified area and direction.


8: Players always need to have a hit marker/hit cloth with them.

 8:1 Minimum approved size is 30x30cm.

 8:2 Approved colours: Orange, fluorescent.


9: 18-year-old age limit applies at all Nordic Milsim events.


10: Players may only use Airsoft weapons (soft air guns), other types of air weapons, starting pistols, etc. As possibly re-converted or similar. are not allowed.


11: It is only permitted to fight/shoot within the game area. The red dotted road between the fronts may be used for transport. Outside the orange cone, you may not fight from a vehicle.


12: Keep All Weapons & such hidden outside the playing area.


13: All littering is prohibited and must be taken with you or collected in provided garbage bags in your own base camp.


14: Swedish law applies.

In case of violation

In case of violation

Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Offenses are defined in different degrees of severity depending on the nature of the offense in relation to safety, negligence, destruction and negative impact on other players' experience of the event.


2: The organizer has the full right to issue warnings in its own discretion.


3: The organizer has the full right to, together with another organizer in a combined assessment, reject a player from the event without compensation.


4: The organizer has the full right to, together with another organizer in a combined assessment, suspend a player from future events arranged by Nordic Milsim.


1: 1: Examples of offenses where a warning is issued (NOTE. The examples given below do not cover all offenses and should not be seen as a direct penalty. The organizer has the right to adopt a more powerful penalty depending on the nature, context and intention of the offense).

  • Inadequate hit calling.

  • Derogatory terms about other participants.

1: 2: Examples of rule violations that can lead to rejection:

  • Lack of security routines with & around their airsoft weapon.

  • Destruction of game props.

  • Destruction of game experience for other participants.

  • Use of alcohol during prohibited time indications.


5: All destruction of land & property equal offenses are reported to police authorities.



Nordic Milsim | SE

1: We encourage everyone to behave in a good manor, in the end we are attending to have fun. But should anyone, against all odds, notice bad behavior in another player, then contact the organizers. We do not want to see players in arguments or conflicts with each other in any way and both parties are considered equally responsible if this occurs, regardless of who started.


 1: 2: Examples of unacceptable behavior:

- Derogatory words about other participants

-Indicating bad hit calling to other players- This is presented to the organizer.

-Generally scrubs and quarrels with other players


2: Players may not act in any way that plays against their opponents' good faith.

 2: 2 Examples of actions

- Appear as a eliminated player to gain a tactical advantage.

Command & MOS
Nordic Milsim | SE


1: All players are counted as medics in the sense that they can heal all other teammates.


Field Engineer

1: In each platoon, 5 players can be appointed as field engineers. These are appointed by the platoon commander.

2: Field engineers are the only players who can disarm vehicle mines and assist as a resource in given missions.

2: Field engineers are the only players who can repair eliminated vehicles in the game area (apart from respawn).


Commander & staff

1: The commander leads the faction as the highest officer, in connection with the organizer.

2: The commander is responsible for knowing each platoon's combat value and ability.

3: The commander is responsible for making the best decisions on behalf of his faction based on his best ability and intention. This in terms of primarily the game experience for the participants under their command and secondarily to win during the event. This should not necessarily be seen as opposites.

4: Commanders have the right to appoint other staff members of a maximum of 4 people.


Plutoon leader

1: The platoon leader leads his platoon in connection with the commander as supreme commander.

2: The platoon leader is responsible for knowing the platoon's combat value and ability.

3: The platoon leader is responsible for making the best decisions on behalf of his platoon based on his best ability and intention. This in terms of primarily the game experience for the participants under his command and secondarily to win during the event. This should not necessarily be seen as opposites.

4: The platoon leader is obliged to maintain connection with the commander and respond to the orders he gives.


Squad leader

1: The squad leader leads his squad in connection with the platoon leader as the ranking officer.

2: The squad leader is responsible for knowing his squad's combat value and ability.

3: The squad leader is responsible for making the best decisions on behalf of his squad based on his best ability and intention. This in terms of primarily the game experience for the participants under his command and secondarily to win during the event. This should not necessarily be seen as opposites.

4: The squad leader is obliged to maintain connection with the platoon leader and respond to the orders he gives.


Order of command

1: Each player is obliged to follow the orders assigned from senior officer.

  1: 1: Exceptions apply in the following situations:

  • Orders are contrary to regulations and Swedish law.

  • Orders are contrary to what the organizer has stated (instructions from an organizer trumps in-game orders).

  • Orders are not in accordance with the group's ability or combat value.

2: Each player has the right to request another order and to leave the game for recovery whenever they wish.

3: Players do not have the right to mutiny.

  3: 1: If you experience a bad relationship with a senior officer, contact the organizer.

4: The commander has the right to distribute his work via a staff of no more than 4 people.

5: All other ordering players have the right to distribute their command order further within their platoon and squad.

6: Order of command goes as follows:

 1st Commander: Suprime Commander

 2nd Staff officer (if appointed by commander)

 3rd Pluton leader (takes orders from commander or acting commander)

 4th Squad leader (takes orders from platoon leader)

 5th: Soldier (takes orders from squad leader)



Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Everything that is attached to your body is the hit surface

  1: 1 Example of hit surface

  -Bonnie- cap screen

  -GoPro (or other camera)





2: In case of uncertainty if you have been hit, you are counted as hit.


3: Friendly fire counts!


4: Ricochets

  4: 1, you are indisputably sure that a BB has hit something else before you, it does not count as a hit except at  the following exceptions:

  • If the BB hit a teammate first

  • If the BB hit small vegitation first. (If the BB hits a tree, it does not count, if you are hit trough a bush/grass it counts).

  • If the BB comes from a grenade or something else that is supposed to simulate an explosion.

  • If you are in any way unsure.


3: At hit

  3: 1 Shout loud and clear "Hit!" and / or "Träff!".

  3: 2 Extend your arm over your head and wave.

  3: 3 Put on your hit marker / canvas.

  3: 4 Try to avoid disturbing a possible ongoing fire fight. Ex. Sit down / lie down.


4: If hit, you may not communicate in any way (speech, radio, hand signals, etc.) other than calling "medic" and / or "sjukvårdare"


5: Bleedout

  5: 1 Voluntary but max 7 minutes.

  5: 1: 1 Ex. you can choose to go to respawn immediately, but can stay for a maximum of 7 minutes.

  5: 2 Bleedout is counted as completed if a medical process has not started within 7 minutes. Whereupon you must return  to a respawn.

  5: 3 If you have moved from your eliminated position, it counts as if you have chosen to end your bleedout period.

  5: 3: 1 Exceptions apply if another player has moved you or if you have moved to not disturb an ongoing battle (the latter may not be used to gain your own tactical advantage).

Heal & Medics


Nordic Milsim | SE

1: All players can heal all other fellow players, but not themselves.


2: Heal of another player is done by wrapping the eliminated player's own white medical bandage around the arm or leg.


3: The entire medical bandage must be rewound and finally tied without any part of the bandage sticking out more than 10cm from the knot. Minimum size:X x 6cm. (Different units have different lengths, see units)


4: Wounded player and healing player can be hit during the medical treatment process - this is then counted as a normal hit.


5: Injured player may speak freely again once the healing process has started, this is counted from the healing player taking an active action to heal, standing next to an injured player does not count as an active action.


6: Fellow players may "pull" an injured player up to 5m using the injured player's own strength (laying hands), at a distance of more than 5m the injured player may not help.


7: Each player can only be healed once per number of medical bandages they are entitled to per respawn. I.E. the medical bandages are reusable after the player respawns.

 7:1: The number of medical bandages a player may wear is determined by the use of body armor, helmet and/or UNIT rules.

See helmet and body protection units and regulations for more information.


8: A healing player may not use weapons during the healing process. I.E. A healing player may interrupt their healing phase and use weapons, but the injured player cannot participate in combat until the healing process is completed.


9: Medical bandages can be brought by players themselves (RECOMMENDED!) and are available for sale by the organizer.



Nordic Milsim | SE

1 Respawn can be carried out at different locations on the game area.

 1:1 Base Camp.

 1:2 Conquered domination point.


2 Respawn time is; Base camp: Every 15 minutes. Conquered Dominion Point: Every 10 minutes.

 2:1 Respawn happens based on time, every 15 minutes aims to respawn every time the clock strikes XX:00, XX:15, XX:30, XX:45. All players who are at their own respawn location can thus return to play when the clock shows the specified time, regardless of how long they have been there.

 2:2 Not fully eliminated players (i.e. players who received a heal) can choose to re-spawn in order to get the opportunity for a new heal. i.e. remove medical bandage.


3: Dominanation point is only counted as conqured when your faction's flag is visible in the app in "Main". It is only allowed to re-spawn if the dominantion point is completely conquered ie. your faction's flag is visible in the "App". Remember that a domination point can take several hours before it is conquered. You can see how long it takes in "Main".



Nordic Milsim | SE

1 Players must constantly monitor what they shoot at, clearances behind cover or protection are not allowed.


2 Players must not shoot OUT through an opening smaller than 30x20cm (size of A4 sheets of paper).

  2: 1 It is allowed to shoot IN an opening that is smaller than 30x20cm this is calculated from 10m.


3: "Bang rule"

  3: 1 In an "unfair" superiority situation, at a distance closer than 3m and within the players weapon's safety distance (CQB), the player in the superiority situation can apply the "bang rule". Where the player instead of firing his weapon shouts / says "Pang Pang" or "Bang Bang" to cause the receiving player unnecessary pain.

  3: 2 "Bang rule" is not a rule in itself but it is up to the receiving player if he wants to take a hit on pang / bang.


4: CQB

  4: 1 Only weapons classified in CQB1 and CQB 2 may be used indoors in contact with other players in the same building or at ground level up to 2.3m

  4: 2 Weapons with a higher impact energy than CQB1 and CQB2 may be used by players in a building if:

  -The user is 2.3m above ground level.

  -The target is outside the building in which the user is located.

  -The safety distance is followed.

  4: 3 It is not permitted to barricade buildings or move protection indoors.

  4: 4 It is not allowed to use smoke developers / smoke grenades indoors or throw into buildings.

Minimum engagement

Minimum engagement distance

Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Nordic Milsim uses the Swedish 2020 table to calculate safety distances and weapon classes.

See the table here. Nordic Milsim - # 2020tables


2: Chrono takes place at the specified location and is carried out with 0.32g BB´s provided by the organizer. Chroning is measured in joules. Exceptions apply to Flying Chrono | Safety Distance 4:1: Flying Croning | .


3: After completed chrono, it is forbidden to adjust the weapon with regard to parts etc. that affect the impact energy. If you want to adjust your weapon after completed chrono, it must be chroned again. Exceptions apply to flying crooning | Safety Distance 4:1: Flying Croning | .


4: Only weapons that have undergone an approved chrono are allowed to play with.


 4:1: Exceptions apply if the organizer applies "flying chrono". This means that the weapon will not be checked by the organizer before the game. Chrono can still be done by the organizer throughout the event, at all locations and at all times. All players then need to be able to state their safety distance and apply correct measurement values.

Rules Regarding Weapons
Nordic Milsim | SE

Appearance & Attributes

1: In addition to the specific weapon requirements specified per class below, all weapons must follow each faction's specific restrictions regarding weapon models.

See fractions:

NATO - Click here

RUSFOR - Click here


Assault rifle/ Carbine

1: This weapon class can be performed in classes CQB1, CQB2, Assault- See specific safety distance.

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent adjustments in the field.

3: Weapons in this class may only be used as semi-automatic (semi). Semi-automatic is defined as 1 BB per trigger action (binary triggers are not allowed).

  3: 1 Exceptions apply to weapons classified in CQB1 that may fire fully automatic.

  3: 2 Exceptions apply to Gas Blow Back weapons that can shoot fully automatic up to a safety distance for Assault. This only applies to GBB weapons that are not HPA-converted and have a maximum magazine capacity of 50 BB´s.

  3: 3 Maximum allowed RPS (bullets per second): 22.

4: Maximum magazine capacity is 150 BB´s per magazine (midcap / lowcap / realcap)


Machine gun

1: This weapon class can be performed in the Support class.

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent adjustments in the field.

3: Weapons in this class may be used as semi-automatic (semi) and fully automatic (auto).

4: Maximum allowed RPS (bullets per second): 22.

5: Maximum magazine capacity is 3000 BB´s per magazine.

6: Restrictions on appearance and design:

  6: 1: Have a minimum weight of 3.4kg (without magazine).

  6: 2: Have a real-steal equivalent in the use of machine gun.


Designated Marksman Rifle

1: This weapon class can be performed in the DMR class.

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent adjustments in the field.

3: Weapons in this class may only be used as semi-automatic (semi). Semi-automatic is defined as 1 BB per trigger pull (binary triggers are not allowed).

4: Maximum magazine capacity is 100 BB´s per magazine (midcap / lowcap / realcap)

5: Restrictions on appearance and design:

  5: 1: Have a reticle/scope with a magnification of at least 3x.

  5: 2: Have a real-steal equivalent in the use of a DMR.

  5: 3: Be locked (mechanically / electrically) to only be able to shoot semi.


Sniper rifle

1: This weapon class can be performed in the Sniper1 and Sniper2 classes.

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent adjustments in the field.

3: Weapons in this class may only be used as repeaters. Repeaters is defined as one physical bolt action per BB fired.

4: Maximum magazine capacity is 30 BB´s per magazine (lowcap / realcap)

5: Restrictions on appearance and design:

  5: 1: Have a reticle/scope with a magnification of at least 3x.

  5: 2: Have a real-steal equivalent in the use of a sniper rifle.

  5: 3 Be designed as a repeater that requires physical bolt action movement per shot fired.


Pistol / Sub Machine Gun

1: This weapon class can be performed in class CQB1 and CQB2

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent adjustments in the field.

3: Weapons in this class may only be used as semi-automatic (semi). Semi-automatic is defined as 1 BB per trigger pull (binary triggers are not allowed).

  3: 1 Exceptions apply to weapons classified in CQB1 that may fire fully automatic.

  3: 2 Exceptions apply to Gas Blow Back weapons that may shoot fully automatic up to a safety distance for Assault. This only applies to GBB weapons that are not HPA-converted and have a maximum magazine capacity of 50 BB´s.

  3: 3: Maximum allowed RPS (bullets per second): 22.

4: Maximum magazine capacity is 100 BB´s per magazine (midcap / lowcap / realcap)


Other support weapons

1: Shotguns may fire multi-shot up to 12 BB´s. Maximum allowable impact energy 1.2J (CQB2), maximum allowable magazine capacity: 30 BB´s.

2: Weapons with an external air source must have a locked regulator to prevent on-field adjustments.

3: Grenade launchers may use rounds/grenades with airsoft BB´s or pyrotechnic type of the brand TAG-IN.

 3:1, Airsoft BB´s: Safety distance 10m. Note. Ricochets from these counts as hits. When firing, shout grenade/grenade to notify players that this applies.

 3:2 TAG-IN: Safety distance 20m. May not be fired directly at anyone. Hits counts as a regular grenande.

3: Other weapon systems such as grenade launchers are provided by the organizer.



1: Only BIO bullets are allowed.

2: Only Airsoft BB´s without metal & ceramics are allowed.

3: Players may carry as many BB´s as they wish in the field and reload everywhere, at all times.



1: All players can bring as many magazines as they wish.

2: Maximum allowed magazine capacity:

  2: 1: Assault rifle: 150 BB´s (Mid-, low-, realcap)

  2: 2: Machine gun: 3000 BB´s

  2: 3: DMR: 100 BB´s (Mid-, low-, realcap)

  2: 4: Sniper rifle: 30 BB´s (Mid-, low-, realcap)

  2: 5: Pistol / SMG: 100 BB´s (Mid-, low-, realcap)

  2: 6: Shotgun: 30 BB´s

  2: 7: GBB weapons that use fully automatic in CBQ2 and Assault: 50 BB´s.



1: The player who throws the grenade is responsible for it landing in a safe place and mannor.

2: The player who throws the grenade is responsible for ensuring that no accident occurs afterwards, such as a fire and cleans up any remnants.

3: Throwing grenades must be announced before, shouting "grenade" or "granat" before the grenade leaves the users hand.

4: Ricochets from grenades that fires BB´s counts as hits.

5: Grenades that emit sound kill everything within a 5m radius and/or everything in one room. Only hard protection protects.

  5: 1: Examples of hard protection:

  • Tree

  • Stone

  • Wall

  • Door

  5: 2: Examples of soft protection:

  • Pallet

  • Furniture

  • Bush

6: Grenades with any kind of flame / ignition are pemitted to use unless the organizer has anounced otherwise.

7: Only commercial grenades for airsoft use are allowed and must comply with other restrictions.

8: Grenades that emit sound must not exceed 120 dB.



1: Anti-Personnel Mines

1: 1: Mining with personnel mines may only be done with commercial airsoft mines, personal alarms or grenades that do not emit sounds louder than 100dB.

1: 2 Anti-personnel mines eliminates everything within a 5m radius (no protection protects)

2: Mining with vehicle mines

  2: 1: Vehicle mines are placed visibly on a road.

  2: 2: Only engineers can disarm mines by 3 min hand-laying.

  2: 3: Vehicle mines can be mined with personal alarms (as Anti-Personnel Mines).

  2: 4: Vehicle mines is provided by the organizer.


Knife / latex weapons

1: Knives or other sharp objects are allowed to be carried in players equipment.

2: Sharp knives or other sharp objects must under no circumstances be used, threatened to be used or aimed at other players.

3: Latex & plastic knives and other "buffer weapons" are prohibited.



1: Shields are allowed to be used but must be approved and marked by the organizer at the chronograph station.

2: The minimum weight of shields is 15kg

3: Shield players may only use weapons in the pistol / SMG class while using the shield.

4: Shields protect against all effect for players who are directly behind the shield (max 2 players).

  4: 1: This assumes that there is no body part exposed outside the shield's protective area. Ex. Against a grenade, the shield needs to be lowered to the ground and the player needs to have his whole body behind the shield in relation to the grenade's impact point.



1: Not allowed.

Helmets & Plate Carriers

Helmets & Plate Carriers

Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Helmets, plate carriers and other protection that is not a shield do not provide a protective effect against bullets and other firepower on the playing field. HOWEVER;

  1:1: Ballistic type helmet weighing 1kg (and more, apart from attached add-ons such as night vision etc.) gives the wearing player 1 extra medical bandage (possibility of a heal extra) and 5 min extra bleed timer.

  1:2: Body armor of ballistic type weighing 3kg (and more, apart from attached additions such as magazines etc.) gives the wearing player 1 extra medical bandage (possibility of a heal extra) and 5 min extra bleed timer.

  1:3: Players who wear both helmet and body armor according to the above regulations take advantage of both parts. That is; 3 medical bandages, 15 min bleed timer.



Nordic Milsim | SE

1: All players must follow their faction's uniform rules regarding camouflage.

NATO -click here

RUSFOR -click here


2: Camouflage rules apply to visible garments for the lower body, upper body and headgear.


3: Camouflage rules do NOT apply to vests and other tactical equipment.

 3:1: Exception applies to helmet dock where this must follow the camouflage rules for given faction or alternatively be removed.


4: Restrictions regarding extended camouflage system regulate by units. See UNITS for specific rules.

 4:1: Camouflage systems are categorized by level. SEE IMAGE

 4:2: Extended camouflage system must comply with uniform rules regarding camouflage if specified. I.E. A player on the NATO side cannot use a Viperhood in EMR/Digiflora, a player on the RUSFOR side cannot use a Viperhood in M90.

 4:3: Both sides may use leaf jackets/viperhoods in MultiCam & Hunting camo (e.g. real tree/leaf)

5: Add-on refers to camouflage additions to headgear and backpack. At level 1, it is permitted to attach this material or alternatively have it sewn into a headgear, and have it cover the entire rucksack.



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Nordic Milsim | SE

1: As a rule, game vehicles may be brought but must be notified to the organizer before the event.


2: Vehicles must be dedicated "Milsim vehicles" and must be military green or similar.


3: Maximum permitted speed in the game area is 30 km/h.


4: Vehicles may only be driven on red-dotted roads (marked on the map). No combat is allowed outside the vehicle zone (marked with orange cone).


5: Speed ​​must adapt well to given situation and surface/terrain.


6: The driver is responsible for everyone inside the vehicle and in a 5m radius around it.


7: All players must respect safety orders from the driver, regardless of team affiliation. (e.g. "back up" etc.).


8: Opposing players must not be closer than 5m from a moving vehicle.


9: All windows needs to be rolled fully up or fully down when the vehicle is active in the game.


10: Vehicles with hazard lights on are considered off-game and may not be fired upon


11: Vehicles are eliminated by clear marking with an RPG/Mine that has some kind of pyro effect.

 11:1 If vehicle is eliminated by an RPG/Mine, everyone in the vehicle is considered hit but can be healed.


12: Vehicles can also be eliminated by a powerful burst of BB´s from several shooters. A single BB does not count. In other words, if there is a lot of chatter on the vehicle windows, huv etc.

 12: 1 If the vehicle is attacked with BB burst, it is the driver and the vehicle that are hit, the rest can continue the battle.

 12:2: When eliminated by BB´s  all players EXCEPT the driver have a 30 second chance to get out. If not able to, these are also counted as eliminated with no chance of heal (after 30 sec).

The driver is always counted as eliminated together with the vehicle, when we repair the driver is also automatically healed.


14: Eliminated vehicle has 15 min voluntary bleedout.


15: All vehicles have a 2h respawn time. This is calculated from the vehicles being parked at the specified respawn location.



Nordic Milsim | SE

1: Certification as a drone pilot is a statutory requirement for flying drones in Sweden.


2: The drone operator is obliged to comply with the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration's regulations on flying at the relevant time.


3: Drones act as reconnaissance means.


4: It is absolutely forbidden to shoot at/on a drone, this applies regardless of whether it is in the air or not. See the drone as a UAV 5000m up in the air.


5: Drones can only be eliminated by eliminating the operator.


6: Drones may not be used by eliminated players for ingame purposes. You can therefore continue to fly / film / return the drone but may not use or give other players the information that the drone gives you in the eliminated state.

Radio & Communication

Radio & Communication

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: Radio channels are assigned by the organizer to each event.


2: It is forbidden to listen to a radio channel assigned to a faction other than one's own.


3: It is permitted to use radio channels other than those assigned.

 3:1: Does not apply if:

- The radio channel has been assigned to another faction.

- The radio channel is not license-free and open to use by the public.


3:2: The organizer will not adapt its communication channel with players via radio. If the player has chosen a channel other than the one assigned, he will not be able to take part in information, missions, etc. directly via the organizer.


4: Organizer uses radio for internal communication within the factions as well as assigning information & missions.


5: Radio is optional for each player to use.


6: Participants who choose not to use the radio are aware that they will not be able to take part in essential information and gameplay that is meant to positively influence their experience of the event.

Game props

Game props

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: All forms of game props must be treated and handled with respect as well not beeing destroyed.


2: Players may not manipulate, tamper or move game props without permission from the organizer.

Sleep In Game

Sleep In Game

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: Nordic Milsim provides areas to set up tents in each faction's base camp.


2: Base Camp is always In-Game from the start of the game to the end.


3: Attacks on base camps must only be carried out if there is a base plate left.


4: It is forbidden to enter the inside of a tent or similar that does not belong to oneself without the approval of the owner.


5: Participants are responsible for preventing theft of their own property.


6: It is forbidden to shoot into or inside a tent or the like that is not marked with an In-game sign.


7: Players can knock out other players who are in a tent by knocking on the tent and shouting "eliminated/Utslaget".


8: It is allowed to sleep outside the base camp, build observation post/backpack hideout. This does not count as a respawn location.


9: It is not allowed to shoot at a sleeping player.

Prisoners & Hostages

Prisoners & Hostages

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: Only players with assigned High Value Target (HVT) cards can be captured.


2: Players who have been awarded an HVT card must state on the question that they can be captured.


3: Players who have been assigned an HVT card can always refuse a physical capture but are then seen as captured with their entire role in the capture performed and completed.


4: Players with HVT cards can choose to be examined & interrogated physically with a chance to keep material and information secret. Alternatively, refuse but are then forced to hand over all important material and information.


5: Players without an HVT card can not and should not be taken prisoner or hostage. This is a severe rule offense.

Night rules

Night rules

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: Night rules come into effect automatically when it gets dark.


2: To participate during night games, a flashlight is required (Carried in the equipment for safety reasons, no requirement to use without need).


3: To participate during night games, players must not act alone. At least two players together. (For safety reasons should something happen).


4: During nighttime rules, only weapons in the CQB1, CQB2 and Assault classes may be used and only used in semi-automatic mode.

 4:1: Exceptions apply to machine guns mounted on a vehicle with the requirements:

-The machine gun must have a mounted searchlight.

-The machine gun only fires bursts of max 3 seconds. Cease fire must last at least as long as the previous fire.


5: Night aids such as image intensifiers, NVG´s and thermal cameras/optics are permitted.


6: Infrared laser is not allowed.


7: To mark a hit, a red flashing light is used, alternatively, put a hit-making cloth on your own white light.

Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol & Drugs

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | SE

1: Alcohol must not be consumed from the same day as the game starts until the end time of the game.


2: In case of suspicion of the use of illegal drugs as prohibited under Swedish law, will be reported to the Swedish police.

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Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | Milsim | SE | Stockholm
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